DAOstar Tech Infrastructure
Daostar.org website
Daostar.org website is deployed on Netlify: https://github.com/metagov/daostar/tree/main/daostar-website
Metagov Organization Account
Issac Patka
Crazy Yuan
Rashmi V Abbigeri
Joshua Tan
Build and Deployment Instructions
Navigate to daostar-website folder and run the below commands
npm install
npm run build
npm run start
The environment variable for this has been configured with Netlify deployment
DAOStar API is deployed with a Digital Ocean Droplet
Metagov-prototype Project
Joshua Tan
Crazy Yuan
Isaac Patka
Rashmi V Abbigeri
Build and Deployment Instructions
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 debug.py
DAOStar API Services Backend
DAOStar API Services Backend https://github.com/metagov/daostar/tree/main/Implementations/API
AWS Account ID: 836240692170
Members with IAM Access:
Isaac Patka
Tom Fisher
Crazy Yuan
Tucker McLachlan
Build and Deployment Instructions
Create your access key with CLI use case
Example link: [https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2/home#/users/details/rashmi@daostar.org?section=security_credentials
](https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2/home#/users/details/rashmi@daostar.org?section=security_credentials)Open Terminal and navigate to .aws/credentails file
And update the credentials
Next, navigate to DAOStar/daostar/Implementations/API
Run the below commands
npm run install
npm run build
Type in the stage name prod
npm run deploy
Navigate to CloudFormation and View Stacks, you should see the status of prod-rest-api-Mystack
DAOStar Subgraph Indexer
DAOStar Subgraph Indexer deployed on The Graph
Build and Deployment Instructions
Get [Auth_Token] from your TheGraph Dashboard
Deployment Access Auth Token:
graph auth --product hosted service [Auth_Token]
Run npm install
Refer to the scripts in package.json file and run necessary commands
Deploy to optimism-goerli
npm run build:optimism-goerli
npm run deploy:optimism-goerli
DAOStar API Swagger
DAOStar API Swagger https://github.com/metagov/daostar/tree/main/api
Build and Deployment Instructions
Coming soon